Monday, August 9, 2010

The Stoplights of My Life...

Green means go. Red means stop. Yellow means....

What does yellow mean? Is it commanding a driver to slow down, for the dreaded color red is quickly approaching? ...Or is it a hint to speed up in order to avoid a forced halt. Yield, or speed. Be cautious or be hasty. Yellow lights overwhelm me with nervousness. How does one know when the banana shade light will turn into an apple? My mind freezes in a quiet panic from being forced into a quick decision of which pedal to choose, gas or break?. Escape death dangerously, or prematurely come to a stop? What do I choose? What's safest; most efficient; what's best?

Even when a light paints itself green, I anxiously await the turning of yellow. All enjoyment from freely driving at a set speed is completely lost from my fear of the green too quickly morphing into yellow.

Red. Now there's a color I'm comfortable with. Stop. Sit. Don't move. Wait - whether its a patient waiting or an agitated one - there's only one option. Red means stop, and there's no getting around it. No choices to make, or fears to have. Just...waiting. I like red. Hey, I love red. It's when the red turns to green, and then to yellow that I'm left over thinking each move. It's a constant watching of the traffic lights, really. ...But when you're driving a 2 ton vehicle that can cause great harm, red lights give a great sense of comfort. Especially when you're driving through unknown land. However, in order to get from one place to the other - green and yellow must be present.

The Lord is near, be anxious for nothing. Green means go, red means stop. Yellow means....

Over and out.