Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Art of Being Single-Do it...

I was recently told by a wise couple (John and Kim for you Wisconsin folk) my lack of enthusiasm towards marriage and children right now is perfectly fine, a good thing even. I won't expound, but I am now at complete peace with keeping thoughts of wedding bells and screaming babies at an arm's distance. With this new weight lifted (I was feeling insane for having such bizarre wishes against marriage...) I've been able to enjoy thoughts of a time spent with God/me venturing into the world and accomplishing things I can't accomplish as a married woman! My most recent thought was this:

If a married woman spent time longing to go back to her single years or wishing her husband to die, her husband would be at the very LEAST incredibly offended. What would these thoughts say of the husband (or reverse the roles if you're a man) if she wants to go to a time where he is absent and no longer a part of who she is or her daily life. If a woman dreams of these days, clearly its reflective of a damaged marriage, negative mindset and/or a horrible spouse. Bottom line: if a married woman focuses on her wishes of living a single lifestyle, she is revealing her lowly thoughts of her husband.

Now let's view this in a different light. Singles often sit and complain and focus on a desired time of marriage (if not spoken aloud, its thought about in many cases). Now, marriage is BEAUTIFUL and a GENIUS picture of Christ's love; it's a serious relationship most of us will likely venture into in due time. However, we are called to not awaken or arouse love UNTIL it is time-God has great purpose in this. We are called to guard our heart for it is the well-spring of life. And we are told it is actually BETTER to be single than to be married because once we enter marriage our interests are DIVIDED and we are no longer able to surrender our hearts/minds/thoughts solely to God.

Okay...let's put all of these things together: What are we saying of our Creator when we are fixated on marriage instead of our current time with Him? Are we saying God is not good enough to satisfy? Are we actually revealing we don't appreciate this one time in our life that we can live beautifully alone with our Saviour without the massive distractions of a family? ...This is what it seems to be.

Look, I'm not saying I've lived my life this way-I most certainly have not. And while I regret learning this at (almost) 23, it will now mark my life. Also, I'm not saying its wrong/sinful to like members of the opposite sex. I mean, hello...that's how you eventually enter marriage-which God HAS indeed called a lot of us to. Nor am I implying one shouldn't talk to boys (or girls if you're a guy), come on-that's just weird. You DO actually have to form friendships with people to eventually date/marry.

I am simply stating this: check your heart and mind. Reflect on what your focus may be saying of your thoughts towards God compared to your future spouse. Which are you valuing more? What is your attitude towards your state of singleness speaking to those around you about your love/gratitude of God?

Over and out.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Come Back With Your Shield, Or On It

My past couple of days have produced much thought and reflection; also a "call to action" within myself. I'm watching the movie 300 while typing this, because I feel tenacious and like I want to fight for what I know to be Truth...obviously those Spartans help aid this mood-bahahah (but seriously, they do)!

Here's the Truth I know:

2 Timothy 2 says to be DILIGENT to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, but CORRECTLY HANDLES THE WORD OF TRUTH.

Okay, so whats the word of truth to us? It clearly can be the whole of the Word of God, also prophetic words to us/the "now-word" of God, what He speaks to us in our own personal times with Him or to our church bodies. Whatever you'd like to define it as (or God has given you revelation for...or heck, maybe you know the Greek), have we given our ALL to present ourselves approved? As Proverbs 4 instructed, is our gazed fixed straight ahead of us? Or as earlier in 2 Tim 2 says, are we entangling ourselves in civilian affairs? Basically, summing this all up in my head, I am now asking myself:

Are my days spent in the purposes of God? Or are my days worthless?

If I were stand before God every night and explain my day (it's activities, words, thoughts, exc) to Him, would I be ashamed? ...Or would I be confident in the fact that I had correctly handled my "word of truth"? Can I proudly and by the grace of God look Him in the eye knowing I gave everything I had to what He's spoken to me? I want to, oooh I want to! It's a sobering thought really, consider today and what you've done. Has it glorified God? Does it reflect what God is speaking to you, and wanting to grow/mature you in? Did it advance His Kingdom? Did you give it all you had? We can give excuses as to why today just "wasn't the day" because we're tired and had a lot to do, exc. ....But again, can you confidently stand before a holy and righteous God and say that? There are days God has grace on us and gives us rest, but I humbly say you are incredibly deceived if you believe your daily woes outweigh God's purposes.

It's time to live every moment with conviction and purpose. My days must reflect the evidence of God in my life.

Over and out.

*EDIT: I forgot to do a promised shoutout to my girl Kelllllllllly!!! She saw her first redneck tonight, and tomorrow she shall head up to Michigan to go "sledging" and do some huntin'! Live up this U.S. time girl ;-)!*

Friday, January 22, 2010

Who are You? Tell me so I can love You...

I want to fall in love with God, not just the ideas and the wisdom of God-but WHO He is. I want to fall in love with the person of Jesus Christ. My natural leaning is towards wanting to know theology/things of the sort and therefore become more interested in the thoughts and plans of God than His Being. Every now and again I realize I've searched after word meanings or master-plans, and lost God in the midst of it all. One of my favorite quotes (as listed in Facebook, because we know that makes it legit) is from AW Tozer. It reads,

"The modern scientist has lost God amid the wonders of His world; we Christians are in real danger of losing God amid the wonders of His Word. We have almost forgotten that God is a person and, as such, can be cultivated as any person can. It is inherent in personality to be able to know other personalities, but full knowledge of one personality by another cannot be achieved in one encounter. It is only after long and loving mental intercourse that the full possibilites of both can be explored."

I want to always focus on being in love with Him, not just knowing about Him and being astounded by it. The awe of God helps love, but doesn't solely create it. Anyway, I say all of this because I want your help with something. Yesterday I read 2 Samuel 6 and stopped once I came across the telling of a situation that had once baffled me, and I realized still does.

2 Sam 6:6-7
But when they came to the threshing floor of Nacon, Izzah reached out toward the ark of God and took ahold of it, for the oxen nearly upset it. And the anger of the Lord burned against Uzzah, and God struck him down there for his irreverence; and he died by the ark of God.

Ya know that part in SNL during the news segment where they say over and over after each story, "Really? REALLY? Yeah..realllllly?" -That's how I feel. Now, if you read on, David was pretty upset with God as well. I was journaling about it, and asking God why He would be so upset when Izzah was probably acting out of mere reaction, and also in protection of His ark! Later I came to weak conclusion of perhaps its because we shouldn't act of mere natural (re)action when approaching God's presence and plans. Also, we need to have revelation of God's sovereignty and choice, as well as His plans and our having little to do with it. I'm not sure though, and I'm not confident with any of these answers. I want to know a solid answer, because I want to understand God more. I want to fall in love with more of who He is after I came to any sort of peace within myself as to why this happened.

Now, I looked up some things online, I read (and even glued in my journal) what John Wesley said, but I want to know other people's opinions! I really have to humble myself in putting this out to the public, because to be 100% honest (and admit pride, ha!) I get annoyed when people state the really obvious to me as if I didn't know. ...But as I said, that's my pride and I need to humble myself in it. I DO want people's WHOLE opinions.

Why did God kill Uzzah? Did David understand, because he was mad at God for it and wouldn't even move the Ark for a while because He was so scared. Was that God's intention? Or David's misunderstanding? ...I could go ooooooooon and on with questions pertaining to this-so please, read the passage and share an opinion! Pray and seek God, and maybe He'll speak to us all through it! Pleaaaaaaaaaaase :-D!

(Oh, and sometimes people comment on my facebook concerning blogs, you can comment on my blog even if you're not a user!)

Over and out.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Green with Envy/Settled with Peace

All week I've been saying to myself and whining to God, "I wish I could be like the guy from Bon Iver..." Ya see, after Justin Vernon (Bon Iver guy) broke up with his band and went through a break up with his girlfriend (all happened in NC might I add), he moved into the wilderness of Wisconsin. Vernon experienced a very Walden-esque time period while living alone in a cabin for 3 months where he "soul-searched", and then walked back into society with an amazing new album summing up his thoughts and conclusions.

I want three months alone. I want three months without any distractions or influences or voices or busyness. I want three months-me, God and wilderness. I want it, but I can't have it.

I've been busy, I won't go in to all details...but I've been very busy. Tonight, I come home from teaching and running diaper errands and sat down at my lap top to sign on to my office computer for insurance work (via an online program). Sadly, I found my office computer was frozen and there was nothing I could do to solve the problem. I was upset because I have lots of work to do, and turned down a couple of friends to hang out because of this work. I look around my's messy with Christmas decorations I have yet to organize, clean clothes I have yet to hang up, and my Bible sitting upon my desk.

I grab my Bible and journal and plop on my bed. I had time to look at what's going on in Haiti and pray this nation is shown the love and mercy of God in a way that brings their eyes to Him! I had time to pray for my sister and her family. I had time to hear from God and allow Him to quiet me with His love. I wasn't enjoying 3 months of solitude, but I was undeniably enjoying rest with God in the midst of a hectic season.

Earlier today Meyer told me about some verses God speaks to her through often. They really struck a chord in my heart, so after I reviewed what God's been speaking to me about (Ecc 3:6/2 Tim 2:4) I flipped to Proverbs.

Proverbs 4:25-27
Let your eyes look directly ahead and let your gaze be fixed straight in front of you. Watch the path of your feet and all your ways will be established. Do not turn to the right nor to left; turn your foot from evil.

There is so much going on in and around me these days, but God has a path chosen for me and I must look ahead-look STRAIGHT at Him! My next 3 months most likely are not going to slow down and/or go towards a path void of people, jobs, babies or distractions. However, God STILL wants to speak to me, He still has loads to reveal of Himself and His people and His church! I can experience silence and peace when I simply look straight ahead on my one path. It's like blinders on a horse's face; there may be much around me, but God's chosen specific things for me to fix my gaze on which alleviates all that is zooming by. My eyes must look directly ahead, and when they do-I will get the results I was wishing for from the Wisconsin wilderness. Life only gets crazier I'm seeing first-hand; we must learn now to follow this proverb to find rest in exactly what God's laid before us. Ah, beautiful wisdom of His Word.

(And don't worry, in case you were wondering-I took care of my clothes and old Christmas decorations ;-)

Over and out.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Searching, Losing, Keeping and Throwing Away

This year (the past few months I mean, not the last 5 days of 2010) have been difficult, confusing, unbearable and a joy (correct, answer D does not fit). I'm 22, yet I've felt younger and younger with every passing day. I know the reality of the situation is these processes are maturing me, but it's one of those Spring Cleaning: Where you must get everything really messy before you can properly clean it up. A deep clean most people call it; Worse before it gets better. This isn't to say whole life is a mess, it looks pretty much the same I suppose-but you wouldn't believe the mess of my mind (or maybe you would be I am total product of my time and share all of my thoughts on social networking sites? ;-)

God spoke to me clearly the other day in a random conversation with a friend, and expounded upon it later with me. He said, "You're safe here". 'Here' referring to my swirly mind which is questioning harder now than every before. I look in the mirror and I'm just not sure who I see. ...And to be honest-I'm not even sure who I want to see. Now, now-I know I am Christ's daughter, and a part of His Beloved Bride! I know I am who He declares me to be! God already spoke to me of all these things to build His foundations in my mind of my identity...but now we're building up... What does a Godly woman look like? How does she think? I had my ideas, but they've come crashing down. I cringe admitting this, but I don't even feel excited about marriage right now. I'm even more apathetic about kids! I give myself chills saying that (the creepy kind) because I've always aspired to wear pearls while vacuuming and wearing my vintage apron while preparing the most creative of dinner menus for my family of 5 (again, I hope people understand I exaggerate to make points, ha...I talk in parenthesis too much in my blog. Whatever...) I suppose it may not seem to be a big deal to some, but its shocking the heck out of me! These mindsets came out of what I believe God set out before me, being a woman in His Kingdom, so feeling and thinking differently right now..well, WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?!??!?! ...But God said, "It's safe here".

So tonight I was journaling about all that which I'm having a hard time with, and the storm in my mind which I know He desires to calm. I just simply don't know what to think about anything unless it's 100% clear and laid out in Scripture. I won't go into all I'm questioning and confused about...but its a lot, and its taken its toll on me. While I'm writing down my thoughts, Eccelesiastes 3:6 pops in my head. I guess I don't know my Bible as well as I'd like to think, because I was pretty unsure of what I would find. I was excepting maybe a verse about everything in life being meaningless-which is AWESOME because that's exactly what I need to calming my aching thoughts, right? So, I pop open my Bible and go straight to 3:6 expecting to be depressed by the word of instruction I would now receive. Instead, I read this:

Ecc 3:6
A time to search and a time to give up as lost;
A time to keep and a time to throw away.

Tears, all I have is tears in response to that. Tears because I know God is marking my year with exactly that: At times, searching and finding His answers. Also, throwing my hands up in surrender and declaring "lost"-which I'm sure will end in answers as well. I will also learn what mindsets and thoughts I must keep, and what I must toss aside. Searching, losing, keeping and throwing away. For some reason, this verse brings such comfort. God is so real. Of any book and chapter and verse to pop into my head, this one comes to mind-and here I find exactly what I'm going through, and God is teaching me to find safety in. This is His plan for me right now, Ecc 3:6-these are my times.

Oh God, still tears-I'm ready for the journey. Be my Light.

Over and out.

Monday, January 4, 2010

52 Weeks

My bestie and I are bringing in the new year with a new type of excitement. We've created (well, we've made our own of an idea we've stolen from others, HA!) the project of "52 Weeks". Once a week for a year we will try something we've never done before, document it, and then...who knows-be in the final episode of Oprah? Just kidding, we'd prefer the Today Show.

Here is my list I may choose from each week (there are extras in the list, fyi):

Dinner on a roof top
Shoot a gun
Watch the ball drop in NYC
Do karaoke (in public)
Take a spontaneous roadtrip
Fine dining alone
Apply to higher education for a degree I truly desire (English)
Memorize a stanza of your favorite poem
Make the Thanksgiving Turkey
Write a letter to the President
Buy a lottery ticket
Make origami
Prepare a French meal
Be a Mom for the day
Throw a Tea Party
Host a fancy dinner party
Take a night swim in the ocean (and not get eaten by a shark)
Learn to change a tire
Go see John Mayer in concert (a current obsession of ours)
Take a hot air balloon ride
Take a train to somewhere far far away
Turn 23
Dye hair blondish (ah!)
Go camping
Get a scholarship
Skip a rock across water (or atleast try...)
Personally give a homeless person a meal
Help the Homeless (in a hands on way)
Go kayaking
Chop down a tree
Plant an herb garden
Watch the Matrix Trilogy
Write a poem (I've done this, but not since 3rd grade really...)
Eat a fried pickle (ew)
Go um...__________ dipping
Give up technology for a day except for work purposes (ah!)
Celebrate St. Patty's Day
Write to a pen pal
Dance in the streets of Chicago
Write a message in a bottle
Have our writing published (or atleast try)
Eat vegetarian for a week
Roll our own sushi
Apply for the Amazing Race
Stay awake all night with friends
Grill something
Message someone on FB with my same name
Randomly (so, with no real reason) make dinner for another family
Go for a run (something I've never actually done, weird huh?)
Order a drink on a plane
Be the first to dance on the dance floor
Go on a "ride-along" with a cop
Break a plate (on purpose)
Go to a batting cage
Cow tipping
Walk somewhere you'd normally drive
Sketch a person's face
Ride in a race car
Post a video on youtube
Learn the thriller dance
Work out with a trainer
Go sailing
Go to a vineyard
Go to a drive-in movie
Read a book in one sitting
Start a book club
Try Water Aerobics
Jump full-body in Lake Michigan
Send a postcard to
Make up a Holiday and celebrate it
Have Christmas in July

So...if you can help me out, or would like to come along one week, let's do it!

Life is short and often changing, while I'm still a freebird...let's fly :)

Over and out.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Black and White.

I love the mystery of black and white photos. I like that I am able to choose the colors of the leaves, or imagine one's cheeks a bit rosier than perhaps they actually are. There's a profound beauty in a colorless photo, and the more the think about it the more gorgeous it becomes. A person's smile seems softer to me for some reason, and if the ocean they're standing behind was a bit gloomy and grey that day...I'll never know, because I'm imagining it crystal blue.

I jokingly have said I'm going through a "quarter life crisis". The color has been put into my photos; reality has been seen. Now, smiles seem a bit more harsh and the colors aren't as vibrant as I always imagined them to be. I'm okay with it, but I will admit a bit disappointed. I prefer the black and white. Ignorance is bliss. We've tasted from the tree in the garden, and now we know. We know of good and evil, and now just of our bliss with God. I love life on earth, but I'm beginning to understand in new ways of being an "alien" here.

I miss black and white photos.

Over and out.