Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Searching, Losing, Keeping and Throwing Away

This year (the past few months I mean, not the last 5 days of 2010) have been difficult, confusing, unbearable and a joy (correct, answer D does not fit). I'm 22, yet I've felt younger and younger with every passing day. I know the reality of the situation is these processes are maturing me, but it's one of those things...like Spring Cleaning: Where you must get everything really messy before you can properly clean it up. A deep clean most people call it; Worse before it gets better. This isn't to say whole life is a mess, it looks pretty much the same I suppose-but you wouldn't believe the mess of my mind (or maybe you would be I am total product of my time and share all of my thoughts on social networking sites? ;-)

God spoke to me clearly the other day in a random conversation with a friend, and expounded upon it later with me. He said, "You're safe here". 'Here' referring to my swirly mind which is questioning harder now than every before. I look in the mirror and I'm just not sure who I see. ...And to be honest-I'm not even sure who I want to see. Now, now-I know I am Christ's daughter, and a part of His Beloved Bride! I know I am who He declares me to be! God already spoke to me of all these things to build His foundations in my mind of my identity...but now we're building up... What does a Godly woman look like? How does she think? I had my ideas, but they've come crashing down. I cringe admitting this, but I don't even feel excited about marriage right now. I'm even more apathetic about kids! I give myself chills saying that (the creepy kind) because I've always aspired to wear pearls while vacuuming and wearing my vintage apron while preparing the most creative of dinner menus for my family of 5 (again, I hope people understand I exaggerate to make points, ha...I talk in parenthesis too much in my blog. Whatever...) I suppose it may not seem to be a big deal to some, but its shocking the heck out of me! These mindsets came out of what I believe God set out before me, being a woman in His Kingdom, so feeling and thinking differently right now..well, WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?!??!?! ...But God said, "It's safe here".

So tonight I was journaling about all that which I'm having a hard time with, and the storm in my mind which I know He desires to calm. I just simply don't know what to think about anything unless it's 100% clear and laid out in Scripture. I won't go into all I'm questioning and confused about...but its a lot, and its taken its toll on me. While I'm writing down my thoughts, Eccelesiastes 3:6 pops in my head. I guess I don't know my Bible as well as I'd like to think, because I was pretty unsure of what I would find. I was excepting maybe a verse about everything in life being meaningless-which is AWESOME because that's exactly what I need to calming my aching thoughts, right? So, I pop open my Bible and go straight to 3:6 expecting to be depressed by the word of instruction I would now receive. Instead, I read this:

Ecc 3:6
A time to search and a time to give up as lost;
A time to keep and a time to throw away.

Tears, all I have is tears in response to that. Tears because I know God is marking my year with exactly that: At times, searching and finding His answers. Also, throwing my hands up in surrender and declaring "lost"-which I'm sure will end in answers as well. I will also learn what mindsets and thoughts I must keep, and what I must toss aside. Searching, losing, keeping and throwing away. For some reason, this verse brings such comfort. God is so real. Of any book and chapter and verse to pop into my head, this one comes to mind-and here I find exactly what I'm going through, and God is teaching me to find safety in. This is His plan for me right now, Ecc 3:6-these are my times.

Oh God, still tears-I'm ready for the journey. Be my Light.

Over and out.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah,you are making my cry. I miss hearing on a weekly basis what God is teaching and challenging you with. I love how real and open you are in your blog. I love how God so faithfully revealed himself to you in this time and reassurred the fact that you're not lost, but you are experiencing a new and unfamiliar season. I pray that God continues to work in your life revealing things that he wants you to "clean out". I love you and I am so happy we got to hang out when you were here. I miss our life chats. Not many people really enjoy hearing about the "junk" in our lives. But we always seemed to connect on that level. Love you and miss you!!
