Thursday, January 28, 2010

Come Back With Your Shield, Or On It

My past couple of days have produced much thought and reflection; also a "call to action" within myself. I'm watching the movie 300 while typing this, because I feel tenacious and like I want to fight for what I know to be Truth...obviously those Spartans help aid this mood-bahahah (but seriously, they do)!

Here's the Truth I know:

2 Timothy 2 says to be DILIGENT to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, but CORRECTLY HANDLES THE WORD OF TRUTH.

Okay, so whats the word of truth to us? It clearly can be the whole of the Word of God, also prophetic words to us/the "now-word" of God, what He speaks to us in our own personal times with Him or to our church bodies. Whatever you'd like to define it as (or God has given you revelation for...or heck, maybe you know the Greek), have we given our ALL to present ourselves approved? As Proverbs 4 instructed, is our gazed fixed straight ahead of us? Or as earlier in 2 Tim 2 says, are we entangling ourselves in civilian affairs? Basically, summing this all up in my head, I am now asking myself:

Are my days spent in the purposes of God? Or are my days worthless?

If I were stand before God every night and explain my day (it's activities, words, thoughts, exc) to Him, would I be ashamed? ...Or would I be confident in the fact that I had correctly handled my "word of truth"? Can I proudly and by the grace of God look Him in the eye knowing I gave everything I had to what He's spoken to me? I want to, oooh I want to! It's a sobering thought really, consider today and what you've done. Has it glorified God? Does it reflect what God is speaking to you, and wanting to grow/mature you in? Did it advance His Kingdom? Did you give it all you had? We can give excuses as to why today just "wasn't the day" because we're tired and had a lot to do, exc. ....But again, can you confidently stand before a holy and righteous God and say that? There are days God has grace on us and gives us rest, but I humbly say you are incredibly deceived if you believe your daily woes outweigh God's purposes.

It's time to live every moment with conviction and purpose. My days must reflect the evidence of God in my life.

Over and out.

*EDIT: I forgot to do a promised shoutout to my girl Kelllllllllly!!! She saw her first redneck tonight, and tomorrow she shall head up to Michigan to go "sledging" and do some huntin'! Live up this U.S. time girl ;-)!*

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