Monday, October 11, 2010

Socrates the Cat, Peas and Nuts

I laugh, a lot. I laugh to myself, I laugh out loud and I laugh in an obnoxious loud cackle-like way.

So, remember Socrates the cat? The cat who was staring at me in what appeared to be a condescending and judgmental way? ...But I concluded he was just pondering self-worth and great wisdoms, so I didn't take it personally. Well, poor Socrates. I sit down in my car a bit ago, heated by the warm Autumn sun (what?) and notice a large sheet resting on my windshield. I hop out and grab the paper; Lord, please say the owner wasn't watching, because Socrates' picture was largely in the middle of the flyer, with a huge "LOST" stated above and...well, I laughed. The letters "l o s t" even have a sad face in the "o", and ya know, it is upsetting. Poor Socrates, all alone in the streets of Racine that are full of hoodlums, possums and very sexually active dragonflies (I felt like I was in the book of Exodus for a while--the locusts substituted for dragonflies, everywhere). To my defense, such laughter was unavoidable! Socrates had the same grumpy look in the picture, as if he was frowning at the very thought of my existence! His eyebrows (if cats have such a thing?) are hanging low over his bulging blue eyes and he looked as i f he might attack if you get too close to his thought bubble. I doubt Socrates is lost. I bet he's chosen to go on a walk-about through the streets, teaching and lecturing those thirsty for knowledge.

As I'm chuckling to myself on my drive away from this piece of paper and Socrates's former home, I wonder if anyone else would find these events funny?

There are "two peas in a pod"; there are 2 nuts in a shell, normally. But, there are lots of peas in a pod actually, and I don't think there are ANY peas in my pod. And sometimes the nuts I cracked open at Lonestar only housed one nut. Am I that one nut? Insane and giggling to myself; Incredibly content and amused, yet oblivious to the petrified on-lookers. I'm not bothered by the thought, but I have noticed I'm the only laughing in my classes at things I perceive to be blatantly humorous. I laugh, alone. It doesn't take away from the humor, but I do think hilarity would strengthen, should other bah ha ha's be added to my own.

Oh well. Farewell Socrates. I hope you make it home.

Over and out.


  1. nice. :-) but i think that sometimes a large reason you are the only one laughing is that people tend to tune everything that is not "of importance" right out. especially in class settings. "What will be on the exam?" if it's not pertinent info, they don't care. (self-absorbed is another way of telling it...) but see what they're missing?? you're living the good life. a true observer. :-) just keep telling us your stories lady. it's a good thing! and yes, farewell Socrates.

  2. BAHAHAHAHHAA!!! I'm in my bunk trying so hard to be quiet, but I couldn't stop laughing! It is quite hilarious. I would laugh with you if I could :)
    HAHAHAHA that picture alone is amazing!

    "Socrates, old fellow,
    your little cat nerves
    are so jumpy-wumpy."

  3. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who wonders if I'm the lone pea in a pod hahaha
