Monday, January 31, 2011

Laid Bare

Okay, I'm being vulnerable. This is a poem I'm turning in for my class. Ehhhhhhh.... (PS - I don't write poetry, ever! I'm simply being forced to now...)

Laid Bare

Unable to open my eyes
Paralyzed, I lie

I was hoping for the day
But was awakened by the night

I reached for noon
Instead midnight fills my hands

Now My eyelashes, brown curtains,
darken an already black night

Daunted by the dark,
terrified of dancing shadows

Unknown, lurking, creeping
stars too dim for real light

The sky howls its song
as I gasp for every breath

Still and Surrendered
Lowly humbled by this valley

Sun in my dreams,
moon in my present


  1. Beeeeeaaaaauuuutiiiifuuuul.

    ~Mysterious Ingenious Commenter

  2. Way to go Saribou! You did a beautiful job. It was ultra-poetic, but I still understood! Now THAT is an accomplishment.
    (From the Gator: "It didn't rhyme.")

  3. Sun in my dreams, moon in my present. I like that a lot. Coupled with the picture makes the whole thing come together. Should be in a coffee table book of your photo's and writings.
