Sunday, February 20, 2011

Writing Group Exercise

(Written during my Solace writing group)

My little girls have long torsos; banana curls and ribbons and dresses. They skip around the house as a princess, sometimes a dragon slayer, but always a heroine of some sort. It’s as if they’ve reached the land of milk and honey, where adventures are only but a second away, and harm is locked in a cage with no key. I often envy their bliss and their sense of accomplishment from an afternoon’s play. If only I could conquer as much as they do in a four hour time slot. The blue violets in the back yard are no mere flowers, but majestic tools used to woo fairies and princes into our courts. Seashells become evidence of mermaids nearby, and the corn flower blue chips are the pet unicorn’s favorite snack! I wish I could hypnotize myself into the fantastic worlds they reside in, and have the confidence to save the day time-after-time. I long for simple days made perfect when an ounce of imagination and a small dose of magic. I could be a princess, but I’m too aware of how I might fall short of ruling over a people should I one day become queen. I’d fly on a unicorn, but I’m not sure I’d know where to tell him to go. Too many lollipops give me cavities, and that seashell would only bring to surface memories of that summer a few years ago I’d much rather forget. What I’d give to walk out the back door and see the world untainted by a frozen reality. My little girls, with their long torsos and banana curls – I envy them.


  1. The labyrinths of your heart and mind.... and where the two meet... are so vast... so vast that they feel unapproachable and yet their depth defines and calls forth every desire from my heart and draws me... magnetizes me to you.

    I am convinced. There will never be a more detailed, more ornate, more attentively and majestically designed creation than you.

    Who you are is who I love.

  2. Dearest sarah,
    As long as you eat the loli-pops and DON't try eating the sea shells, I think you will be ok.
    Well wrote!

  3. Ps, For future reference, Unicorns know where they are going, and are stubborn enough, that you could never really command them to go anywhere or do anything.

  4. oh Spencer...gag me!

    haha j/k

    I only say that because nobody says things like that to me and I think it's brilliant.
