Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Live only for what you'd die for...

I've been staring a computer screen since 5pm quoting auto and home insurance up the wazzoo, and I'm pumped full of coffee. My mind is mush, but suddenly the thought popped into my mind, "I don't want to be apart of anything that I wouldn't die for."

A couple of weeks ago a woman in our church shared a picture she had (its a long story, but it was related to a World War 1 poem - http://www.ppu.org.uk/learn/poetry/poetry_ww1_1.html) - it dealt with a large poppy field full of fallen soldiers who had given their life for different things. It really impacted me because God esteems martyrs a great deal, and I believe there is a sobering reverence we should have as well, knowing one day we'll face men and women who died for freedoms/truths we can often take for granted.

I suppose all of this filtered into my mind that nothing in life is worth living for unless I'd die for it. I don't necessarily mean in only the larger things in life either, such as Christianity as a whole for example. I mean every truth, every right, every principle. In politics, would I die or willfully send my son to a war to die for the liberties and freedoms our country was founded upon? Would I die for truths founded in Christ? Baptism? The outworking of the gifts of the Holy Spirit? The 5-fold ministry (Eph 4)?

These sobering and endless topics are trotting through my mind making me wish to pull back from certain areas not worthy of a life slain in its defense. Its also inspires me to gain true and deep conviction for so many truths I know to be worthy of martyrdom.

What would I die for? In that answer lies my direction, path and focus for life....

Over and out!

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