Monday, September 27, 2010

The Fairy Tales Alive in My Mind

Today, three geese were squawking as I walked into Parkside's large brick building. It was as if the birds had something vitally important to share; Soon after, they flapped their wings and flew so closely by, that I felt I could grab a hold of one wing to be wisped away.

I couldn't help but continue wondering what message they wanted to bring. Was a storm coming? Is there a warning to be given, or a message to be delivered? And where were they flying to once they noticed no one wanted to listen to their words? There were 4 or 5 geese standing atop another building with feet dug into their ground, but these 3 geese, perplexed with their reports, did not remain in the cold wind but flew away from the deaf listeners.

I just watched, confused. Mind racing.

I longed for heaven in this moment. And I don't know that I can even cleverly sum up this feeling with my small words... As the geese flew by, I thought of reaching up to ask for a ride into the grey and damp sky, but I knew they wouldn't understand such a favor. Never before have I been frustrated by the language barrier between man and animal, but today..I wanted to understand, and be understood. I wanted creation to cry out in a way that I could comprehend their exclamations. Life is more than what's standing tangible before me, this I know. There are pictures beyond what my natural eye can see, and words spoken in small whispers that I long to tune my ears to hear!

I want to hear the wind howl, and understand the tone of its words! I want to see heavenly reflections in tear-shaped raindrops falling from the skies. I want to hear prophetic notions from birds of the sky!

I wish to expound upon my strange thinking, but I feel it only digs my hole deeper into insanity. I will leave it alone, take as you will :).

Over and out.

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