Tuesday, March 9, 2010

One friend, Two Friends, Three Friends, Four...

Friends, smiends. I wrote a facebook note questioning the friendships between males and females. As always, often when I post a question or ask opinions, I get many responses in which I say to myself "duh!" or "what the...?" However, I did really appreciate the opinions given, especially those of some of my married friends. However, I remain at the same conclusion. For myself, I don't really pursue close friendships with guys-I've been told by those in authority over me that I create very "intimate friendships". Ya know, I'm not totally sure if that's good or bad. In history of my friendships its produced both great fruit as well as utter disaster! I tend to want to draw the deep things of the heart and mind to surface, however in a guy-girl friendship this can create a bond that can turn inappropriate. I don't want to be naive (its pure folly according to many Proverbs) and I don't want to overlook the heart being deceitful and beyond cure. Therefore, for the safety of myself and others-I generally won't get too close to a boy (ie-hanging out alone, talking excessively, sharing "secrets"). Oh, and yes-to clarify-I understand romance comes from friendship, when I'm referring to friendships in my recent questions, I mean strictly platonic friendships!

Okay, so I know what I think when it comes to me personally, but I still don't know how to view others and their friendships. I could list off of the top of my head NUMEROUS friendships in which person A likes person B, and person B is completely oblivious. I could also list off the guy-girl friends that are talked about constantly with such comments as "They'd make a good couple" or "Do they like eachother, because they spend a lot of time together". I also know of many people involved in close guy-girl friendships that comment they'll "back off" once one or both of them enter a romantic relationship with person C or D. If the relationship must make adjustments in the future then has it not already crossed boundaries? In my mind, the answer is clear-yes.

We are called to live above reproach, live pure and holy lives, and act in a manner worthy of our calling. I don't want to be a stickler, and Paul says all things are permissible, but he goes on to say not all things are beneficial. Does a close relationship with a guy I'm not interested in benefit me? Does it benefit him? Does it benefit the onlookers I'm wishing to be an example of Christ to?

I will most likely soon delete my facebook note. While there are many things I feel God is giving me revelation on, this isn't the top of my list and I don't want to get too distracted by it. For where my thoughts are, my time and prayer tend to go as well. I don't feel the urgency in knowing about this, but I do hope God speaks to me over time. Until then....

Okay, just figured I'd clarify further for any secret blog readers out there. On a much lighter note, I'm going to Chicago this weekend to celebrate St. Patty's Day and I can't WAIT! I've bought rechargeable batteries for my camera and everything. Show me that green river!

Over and out.

1 comment:

  1. i havent commented on all of this yet, because i don't ever like thinking that deeply and because i hate typing all of my thoughts, i think i would rather tell you my opinion of this in person. but after reading this today and a conversation you had with someone else on fb, haha, i will say that i wholeheartedly agree with you. and that has come from me learning it the hard way and from taking counsel from very wise and God fearing people. the end.
