Monday, November 2, 2009

First comes love, then comes marriage...

My Halloween weekend was not spent telling ghost stories or speaking of witches' spells. Instead, for some odd reason, every social group I encountered spoke of dating and marriage. Even my telephone conversations (with both NC and WI people) were overcome with the desire to speak of these subjects. Why? ...Heck if I know, its interesting and we've reached the "society will smile upon you if you marry" age. So...I suppose it's on our mind.

I think of marriage often. It's not because I'm seeking male-attention I haven't received through out life or anything, because to be honest: I've had an amazing life with an incredible father who has set the bar quite high for a husband-to-be. I'm seeing this more and more as I grow older and wiser (thanks Daddy!!). (Now that isn't to say I feel I've conquered the downfalls, trials and woes of dating-I most certainly have not! I'm just explaining the heart of it all). For me personally, marriage often crosses my mind because I adore God's wisdom in giving the world a picture of His love in the relationship between a man and his wife. I love that we can have knowledge (that changes the knower) by either experiencing or looking-on at the intimacy and close bond between two separate people whose lives become one. We see the man lay down his life for his wife and family, just as Christ laid down His life in humility for the Bride (the universal church). Of course the Enemy attacks marriage more than anything else (in my own opinion, this isn't Biblical or statically based obviously) because this picture holds an incredible priority in what God wants to reveal to the lost and to His people. ...A faithful and unchanging love, led in humility and followed by adoration and submission. What amazing peace, harmony and joy is accomplished when all roles of fulfilled properly and in God's order. I pray often we as the Church grow in revelation of these things, and that God would give many eyes to see and ears to hear.

Anyway, I'm digressing-didn't mean to get on my marriage soap box. As I was saying, dating and marriage kept coming up. Someone mentioned they heard about my "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" facebook note (that's what I referred to in a previous post when I mentioned coffee dates). A quick re-cap: I stated in the FB note I had changed my opinion on dating, and felt we had more of a choice in the matter of who our spouse is than I had previously thought. Also, I feel we shouldn't jump into a relationship as quickly, but go on "coffee dates". A coffee date in my mind representing the process of true foundational friendship, and one-on-one time to clarify within ourselves the simplistic yet massively important ideals such as : Do we get along? Do we communicate well? Do I even actually liiiiiiiike you? I am in NO way downplaying the voice of God or the wisdom from our authority in these situations, merely stating I feel an important step in the dating process is often missed. I still stick to these ideas, but I'm open to the voice of God to bring change or expansion to my thinking. In fact, God spoke to me last week very clearly saying , "If you give me your thoughts, in return I'll give you My wisdom."

(Also, might I make a shameless plug for John Lalgee's paper on dating for WI people. ...But we've spoken of this, and I'll leave it at that because so far only two people follow my blog!)

In my hopes and faith of God giving me wisdom in this, I pray all parties involved grow in wisdom. There is no fool-proof way to go about the dating process, and even after I'm married and done with that season, my heart will still break for the confusion and misleading of so many involved in dating. I pray the church grows in submitted young adults (that's HUGE), discerning leaders, wise married couples, and revelation and CONVICTION of Christ and His Bride and our duty to represent this to the world.

Somehow these ideas fade in influence when our heart and emotions become involved. Oh Lord, give us more graaaaaaaaaaaace! ....Because let me tell you, as a 20 something among many 20-30 years old, frustration and confusion can sometimes rule the hearts and minds when these conversations come up.

Okay, I just need to let a bit out. I feel better after thinking-aloud to cyberspace. ...Maybe that crosses the nerd line?

Over and out.


  1. You didn't actually cross the nerd line until you said "over and out"

    thought you should know :)

    can't wait for OUR coffee date!!!

  2. also--you may not have spent Halloween weekend telling ghost stories or speaking of witches spells, but the conversations sure were SCARY!!!


  3. hahaha, Sarah-I really do just love you! ha!
