Thursday, November 5, 2009

Humble Confessions and Lessons I should of learned at age 14:

Tonight's entry won't be challenging your mind, an encouraging discussion or revealing any deep insight I feel I've gained.

I just feel reflective.
.....and I'd like to chat about it. However, I'm alone in my room, and too tired to journal or speak on the phone. So, here I am. It's pitch black in my room, only the light of the laptop is shining. Bon Iver (my favorite new song angel) is playing on my Itunes, and my phone is vibrating every few moments (having facebook connected to my phone is both a blessing and a curse). I'm ready to type, and this is for no one's benefit but my own. God and I often need to talk through things-so here goes it.

I have a pretty distinct personality which I feel is my own. I know who I am, but when it comes down to it-I also know I can be influenced by certain people. At the risk of making myself appear to be like the girls who cry at Jonas Brother Concerts: The only time I feel interests in my life can be swayed is if I'm dating (or close to that level of dating) a guy. Now, now-don't take this too far. I will forever and always be "Sarah" (don't call me Sarah, Plain and Tall. That was SO annoying in 4th grade. I never wish to be plain...). Anyway, I always kept my personality, but suddenly my interests and time can be consumed with random things I don't even care much for. Drums, sports, certain types of music, exc. Now, I don't always believe this to be a WRONG thing necessarily, I mean...when you are with someone its good to take interest in what they love, and be a part of specific parts of their life. So, there is a healthy balance to it. I think its a part of love, but I also think I started that phase too early, and I'm read to venture out alone.

I'm a free bird now, and I plan to be for the next 5 years (my mom gets annoyed everytime I say that. Don't worry Mom, I don't actually have 5 years marked on the calender. I just mean I am a-okay to take a break from things....). I was speaking with Meyer once about how excited I am to find out who I am, and what I actually like-without the influence of anyone else.

What music do I naturally put on repeat? What books do I enjoy reading? What's my favorite TV show? Of course, I love to take suggestions from friends! ...But in that I love the freedom of not feeling pressure to be similar to anyone but Christ! This sounds so elementary when I say it aloud, and I know these principles so well. ...And I don't feel I've conformed to one person, but I am aware of my changing interests somehow matching the people around me.

So, God and I are setting out on an adventure. I will find Him in order to find me. I like ghetto music, and folk music with boys and pretty voices. I like Gilmore Girls more than any show, ever. I like to think more than I like to laugh...and I REALLY enjoy laughing, so this probably means I think too much. I enjoy politics but it bothers me to get too caught up in, because God is the answer-not a politician or intelligent ways to go about running the government. I like to learn about schools of thoughts, and read of men who set out to inspire. My ideal day is sitting in a coffee shop in a city, looking out at the snow.

I have a post coming soon about knowing who we are in Christ....It's so true that the only way to know myself is to know Him. witty conclusion. Reflective rant-done.

Over and out (I will keep saying this forever and always since Sarah Freelove told me it crosses the nerd line-HA! I will show you...)


  1. I love this entry. I like to see in other peoples minds and that's what this post is. Raw. Real. Sarah.

    Your ideal day is in my Top 5 List of ideal days.

    I love you and I love that we read each others blogs! It's like we're really friends now hahahaha

  2. Genetics are so funny. A couple of months ago I was texting some one and typed "over and out just always wanted to say that" To paraphrase Genesis "A nerd begets a nerd"
